PDMS becomes UNESCO Biosphere Partner
PDMS is a Business Partner of UNESCO Biosphere Isle of Man
PDMS has pledged to support the Island's UNESCO Biosphere in their strategy of 'Working Together for a Sustainable Future' and we are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable way that will help preserve our wonderful Island's unique status.
About UNESCO Biosphere
UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation. Biosphere reserves exist under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.
The programme began in 1971, initially concentrating on experimenting to find solutions to care for land, sea and species. It was expanded in the mid-1990s to take into consideration areas’ economy, culture, heritage and community and to become more about connecting people with sustainability of what is special to their area.
The Isle of Man is one of 738 Biospheres in 134 countries and one of nine UK and Ireland Biospheres. The Island was designated as a UNESCO Biosphere reserve in 2016 in recognition of its special environment, culture, economy, heritage and its people's desire to cherish and nurture them.
Among the Isle of Man’s many special attributes is that it is the only ‘entire nation’ UNESCO Biosphere in the world with all of our land and territorial sea included.
The PDMS pledge
As a UNESCO Biosphere partner, PDMS pledges to:
- Protect our natural resources
- Develop our economy in a sustainable way
- Support and promote our cultural heritage
- Make our environmental impact positive wherever possible
- Engage with the local community
PDMS is passionate about protecting the environment and in 2023, we became the first company on the Isle of Man to receive the Social Value Quality Mark (SVQM) Bronze award. This award recognises "the positive impact created for society by the actions and legacy of an organisation".
PDMS has committed to achieving Net Zero by 2030 and has pledged not only to take action to measure, reduce and offset our carbon footprint but to also champion environmental protection within all spheres of influence including biodiversity.
To find out more about our environmental activities, visit our Social Responsibility page.